Please send your inquiries or orders to the following e-mail address:

or use our contact form below:

The boats we offer are made according to the highest standards.


1.  Customer's Inquiry

2.  Determining of the boat equipment configuration

3.  Conclusion of the contract based on a set configuration

4.  Payment

5. Production

6.  Pick up


PRICE CONTAINS: production process, installation of configured equipment, loading at the Roto-Tech factory, Chynów Poland.


  • The boat will be ready for shipment at the agreed date specified on the document confirming the acceptance of the order for execution by Roto-Tech
  • Payment is considered as received when the payment amount physically reaches the bank account of Roto-Tech
  • Preparing a boat for shipping means that the order will be ready for pickup at the Roto-Tech Chynów factory.  


Details of the warranty are described in the Warranty Card and are in accordance with applicable regulations.